Grant Process

1FUR1’s Mission

To support mutually beneficial endeavors that enhances the lives of animals and humans in need.

Take The First Step

Do you meet our grant guidelines? If so, grant seekers are encouraged to submit a LETTER OF INQUIRY (click here for online form) to determine if the intended support request falls within the scope and mission of 1 FUR 1 FOUNDATION. The purpose of this inquiry is to avoid the time and effort in presenting a full proposal that may simply be out of our scope.

1FUR1 FOUNDATION’s grantee selection and grant-making processes utilize a hands-on approach, ensuring that grant-funded programs meet win-win-win expectations and deliver on the targets agreed upon at the time of grant release.

Grant requests will be considered on a continuous basis throughout the year. Grant applications will be reviewed no later than 90 days from receipt. Grantees should be capable of adjusting their programs’ needs, and should have the ability to self-sustain and/or expand in the future while serving the community and ensuring the welfare of animals and human participants.

While we generally do not place a ceiling on grant amounts, most grants range between $500 and $7,500 and are dispersed in increments based on completion of program milestones. All grant requests:

1FUR1 FOUNDATION reserves the right to pull back funding on programs that do not meet agreed-upon expectations.